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Provably Fair or unfair?


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I understand gaming psychology as well as statistics  and I am ok with losing when it's fair. At this point, you understand where it goes. Yes , at the end, I lost but am I completely responsible? Not in my opinion. It is so easy to say that internet connection must be stable when you loose connection. But indeed, my connection is very stable and I am the only one using it, so how does it come that in the  same game within a couple of hours, I lost 4/5 time connection with the game and of course always when I have a position, absolutely never when I am out? Coincidence?  The more you have coincidence, the less they really are and coincidence like this, I have a some!

What about those perpetual messages and rewards popping up on your screen if not a way to distract? How can you be concentrated even though you made the best to  stay focus? What about those delays when entering or willing to get out of your position? I don't count the times I was ejected and lost the game just because of this issue? Oh yes, my internet connection of course.... ðŸ˜µ

It is so nice to offer 100% - 180% BONUS when you add money on your account, but those bonuses are just stuck there until you are able to free them out by playing and made sure those bonuses will be so hard to finally grab them. This is so mean practices and is called  "misleading advertising "!

Now, let's speak probability. Getting out at 1.5 points at crash  gives you 66% chances and at 1.8 points 55% chance,  but when it crashes 6 to 8 times in a row below 1.8 (I noted also 12 times in a raw below 2, how do you come to 55% chances? It is near  ZERO% chances! 

Now, how do I delete this account?

And please,  let free and give me my bonuses like it normally should be and I will not be considering this platform like a total scam <-- which at least will give me peace of mind and not having to think for I don't now how long that I've been fucked. <-- at least this would be fair. 

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Pr0vably fA1r caN b3 r1gg3d.  Tak3 a l00k at 3dd13 T1pt0n 10wa (Eddie Tipton Iowa) b1Gg3st I0wa l0tt3ry ScAndaL 3v3r.  S1m1laR cAn haPP3n w1tH Pr0vabLy fA1r gAM3s.  y0u sHoUld B3L13v3 M3.....

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  • 4 weeks later...

funny you said you understand probability and yet you make comment on a situation to the fact that you don't.  your 1.5x with a 66% means that your chances for each individual roll is 66% or 1 in 3.  So now lets do the math to understand multiple losses in a row.  ok so for each individual game you have a 33% chance of loosing so that means for game 2 you still have a 33 percent chance of loosing but since you already had a 33% chance in losing you are now down to a third of a third or just about 1 in 10.  This does not change the fact that the chance to hitting 1.5 or under is 66%.  What you should be railing at are like you said 12 in a row so at that point. At 10 in a row you are at 0.0015315789 percent chance and at 12 that goes down to 0.00001667889514% or about 1 in 100,000. which even that isn't unplausible that it will be hit. I have actually seen streaks on here though that are much longer than that. upwards of 20 for 1.5x which at that point if we say crash always takes 30 seconds to run, we are talking about events that should only ever occur every 10k years at most.  And i have seen multiple in the same week before.  That is where i start to wonder.  Of the fact that if you play with a straight forward pattern, within a day the system is crashing almost exactly opposite your pattern especially if you script.  This tells me that there must me some sort of machine learning algorithm running looking for and busting patterns.  And while as long as they keep the actual percentages and money paid out to their reported percentages they are actually operating just as they say. So i can't really call that cheating.


As for the bonuses being locked up all i have to say is be an adult and read the information before you assume you will just be handed it. You can't blame others if you didn't properly adult. Because by signing up and playing on the site you agreed to their rules for both the contest and how the site is run.  So its nobody's fault but your own if you don't know whats going on because it is spelled out in the documents you put your approval on.

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